This feature is only available in PayClock Online Enterprise.
Pay Code - Select the pay code where the time accumulated in the department will be placed.
Overtime Rules - This setting determines whether the time accumulated in the department will count towards overtime. This option will ignore daily, weekly or pay period overtime rules.
Include Overtime Rules - Select this setting if you want the configured overtime rules to be used for calculations.
Ignore All Overtime Rules - Select this setting if you don't want to use your configured overtime rules. No overtime rules will be used in calculations for time accumulated in the department.
Pay Rate - Select how to adjust an employee's base wage if they accumulate time in the department.
Flat Rate - This option will override the employee's typical base wage with this wage. For example, this option was selected and set with a flat rate of $12.00. An employee worked in this department and their normal base wage is $10.00. Any time worked in this department will be calculated with a pay rate override of $12.00.
Modifier - This option will override the employee's typical base pay and will calculate the base pay using the modifier entered into this field. This calculation is the base wage times the modifier. For example, this option was selected and set with a modifier of 1.5. An employee worked in this department and their normal base wage is $10.00. Any time worked in this department will be calculated with a pay rate override of $15.00. The base wage is $10.00 times 1.5, which equals $15.00.
Add to Base Pay - This option will calculate the employee's base page adding the amount entered into to the Add to Base Pay field to employee's typical base wage. For example, this option was selected and set to $2.00. An employee worked in this department and their normal base wage is $10.00. Any time worked in this department will be calculated with a pay rate override of $12.00.
Guaranteed Time - Select 'Override Guaranteed Time ' to have a department transfer execute a special calculation rule. This rule can be set to trigger guaranteed time for an employee who works in the department. An example of this special rule would be Call In/Call BackWhen a company pays an employee a special rate and a guaranteed amount of time if they are called back to work. time.
Worked Hours To Qualify - Enter how long an employee must work before receiving guaranteed time.
Minimum Paid Hours - Enter the amount of time an employee is guaranteed to receive.